Road debris-related accidents are very common on roads across the country. From country roads to highways to city streets, debris can create unpredictable and dangerous situations for motorists in our state. Every year, debris causes an estimated 50,000 crashes.

These accidents can cause a range of outcomes, from minor inconveniences to severe injuries or even fatalities. ABC News reported that road debris causes 440 deaths per year. With these facts in mind, Louisiana drivers need to recognize the impact road debris has on their safety.

Huber Thomas car accident liability and what to do if you've been involved in a car accident with debris

If you're in a debris accident, it's important to understand the legal implications. Huber Thomas Law has helped Louisiana victims of debris-related accidents navigate the legal processes. Our first step? Equipping you with what you need to know.

Types and Causes of Road Debris

Driving around Louisiana streets, you’ve probably seen various types of debris on the roads. Tree limbs after major storms, trash and litter in high-traffic areas, and rogue construction materials are all common sights to see.

Causes and types of debris can vary. Knowing each of them allows your legal team to determine the best course of action in seeking compensation.

Types of Road Debris

Road debris refers to any foreign objects or materials that have unintentionally found their way onto roadways. These objects pose hazards to vehicles, drivers, and passengers. These can include items such as:

  • Rocks
  • Tree branches
  • Tire shreds
  • Construction materials
  • Trash and litter

Debris can also include other objects that can obstruct traffic flow and lead to accidents.

Factors Contributing to Road Debris

Negligence of Individuals or Companies

Road debris incidents are frequently linked to negligence on the part of individuals or companies. This can involve:

  • Improperly secured loads: Cargo, equipment, or materials that are not adequately secured on vehicles, leading to spillage on the road.
  • Littering: Individuals discarding trash or objects from their vehicles negligently.
  • Failure to maintain vehicles: Inadequate maintenance of vehicles can result in parts or debris falling off.
  • Construction site oversight: Construction companies failing to adequately manage their worksites, allowing materials to spill onto roadways.

Poor Road Maintenance

Inadequate road maintenance is another common contributor of road debris. This may involve:

  • Crumbling road surfaces: Deteriorating asphalt or concrete that generates loose stones or potholes.
  • Lack of regular cleaning: Failure by local authorities to clean and clear debris from roadways.
  • Overgrown vegetation: Trees and shrubs that overhang roads can shed branches and foliage, particularly in adverse weather conditions.

Responsibility in Maintaining Safe Roads

Everyone plays a part in ensuring the safety of themselves and others on the road. Understanding these legal responsibilities is essential for all parties involved in road debris accidents.

Knowing these responsibilities helps determine liability if an accident occurs. It also highlights the importance of proactive measures in preventing road debris-related accidents.

General Road Users

All road users must practice reasonable caution to prevent accidents. In accidents caused by road debris, it's important to avoid making or adding to dangerous situations.

Government Agencies

Government agencies, such as state and local departments of transportation, have a critical role in maintaining safe roads. Their responsibilities include:

  • Regular road maintenance: Ensuring that roads are free from hazards like potholes, loose gravel, and overgrown vegetation.
  • Prompt debris removal: Clearing road debris and litter to prevent accidents.
  • Monitoring construction sites: Overseeing construction projects to ensure materials and debris do not pose a risk to road users.
  • Signage and warnings: Providing appropriate signage to warn drivers of potential hazards.

When government agencies fail to fulfill these responsibilities, they can potentially be held liable for accidents resulting from their negligence.


Drivers have a legal obligation to operate their vehicles safely and with due regard for the road conditions. This includes:

  • Maintaining proper following distance: Ensure there is enough space between vehicles to react and maneuver safely if you encounter road debris.
  • Staying within speed limits: Adhering to posted speed limits to have adequate time to respond to unexpected road hazards.
  • Avoiding distractions: Staying focused on driving and not engaging in activities that divert attention from the road.

If a driver fails to exercise these responsibilities and causes an accident due to road debris, they may be held liable for their negligent actions.

Establishing Liability in a Road Debris Accident

How is negligence proven in a road debris related accident?

Evidence at the Scene of Accident

The first step is collecting and reviewing all evidence at the accident scene. This documentation can help prove negligence. Evidence includes:

  • Photographs and videos of scene, road conditions, and position of debris
  • Police reports and accident records that may detail the cause of accident
  • Vehicle damage assessments to determine the cause of collision
  • Road debris samples

Eyewitness Testimony and Expert Opinion

Eyewitness testimony can be invaluable in confirming the circumstances of the accident. Expert opinions can also provide a professional assessment of the events leading to the accident.

Who may be responsible for the debris-related accident?

Negligent Drivers

Sometimes, the driver may be partly or fully blamed for the accident if they couldn't avoid road debris or react properly. Proving their negligence often involves:

  • Demonstrating a lack of reasonable care: Establishing that the driver did not exercise due caution when encountering road debris.
  • Establishing causation: Showing that the driver's actions or inactions directly contributed to the accident.

Government Agencies or Contractors

If poor road maintenance or inadequate construction site oversight is identified as a factor in the accident, government agencies or contractors may be liable. To establish their liability, we may consider:

  • Demonstrating negligence: Proving that the government agency or contractor failed in their responsibilities, such as maintaining safe roads or controlling construction site debris.
  • Complying with legal requirements: Ensuring that they adhere to laws and regulations related to road maintenance and construction safety.

Companies Transporting Materials

Companies involved in transporting materials can also be held accountable if their actions contributed to the presence of road debris. To establish their liability, we may need to:

  • Examine load securing practices: Determine whether the company properly secured materials on their vehicles to prevent spillage.
  • Review safety protocols: Assess whether the company followed safety regulations and guidelines for transporting materials.

How is liability determined in a debris-related accident?

Liability in a debris-related accident depends on how the accident occurred. Below we’ll review the typical scenarios.

Liability of the Driver Who Hit the Debris

When a driver hits road debris, their liability may depend on factors such as:

  • The driver's ability to avoid the debris safely.
  • Whether they were driving at a safe speed and maintaining an appropriate following distance.
  • Their responsiveness to the sudden appearance of debris.

Liability When Road Debris Causes a Chain Reaction

In cases where road debris triggers a chain reaction of accidents involving multiple vehicles, liability can be complex. Determining liability often involves:

  • Analyzing each driver's actions leading up to the accident.
  • Identifying which drivers could have reasonably avoided the initial debris collision.
  • Considering whether the drivers behind the initial collision were following at a safe distance.

Liability When Debris Falls from a Vehicle or Construction Site

When debris falls from a vehicle or a construction site, liability may rest on the responsible parties, including:

  • The driver of the vehicle responsible for the debris.
  • The construction company or site manager overseeing safety protocols and debris containment.

Compensation Available for Victims of Debris-Related Accidents

Like other types of vehicle accidents, compensation is available for victims. Compensation can cover a range of needs, depending on the physical injury or property damage that occurred. Below are the options available if you’ve been involved in a debris-related accident.

Medical Expenses

Victims of road debris accidents often incur medical expenses, including:

  • Emergency medical treatment
  • Hospitalization and surgery
  • Rehabilitation and therapy
  • Medications and ongoing medical care

Property Damage

Road debris accidents can cause significant property damage, including:

  • Vehicle repair or replacement
  • Repairing or replacing personal belongings inside the vehicle
  • Damage to other property such as homes or businesses in the vicinity

Lost Income and Future Earnings

Injuries can cause victims to lose income and may also impact their ability to earn money in the future. Compensation may include:

  • Lost wages and benefits
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Compensation for time away from work for medical appointments

Pain and Suffering

Road debris accidents can cause pain and suffering, and people may seek compensation for the following damages:

  • Physical pain
  • Emotional distress
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Psychological trauma

Legal Challenges in Debris Accidents

As with any legal case, there are extenuating circumstances that may affect the level of liability and compensation. Below are circumstances you should be aware of regarding your debris-related accident.

Statute of Limitations

Victims must be aware of the statute of limitations, which sets a time limit for filing a legal claim. Failing to meet this deadline may result in the loss of the right to seek compensation.

Comparative Negligence

In some cases, multiple parties may share liability for an accident. Understanding comparative negligence laws is crucial as it determines the distribution of responsibility and compensation.

What to Do After a Road Debris Accident

Taking the following steps after a road debris accident will help protect your rights and interests. Adhering to these steps may also increase the likelihood of a successful legal outcome.

Report Accident to Authorities

If you've been involved in a road debris accident, it's crucial to report the incident to the appropriate authorities, such as the police or highway patrol. This action creates a formal record of the accident, which insurance claims and legal matters may require.

Seek Medical Attention

After a road debris accident, the well-being of all involved parties is paramount. Even if you feel fine immediately after the incident, it's advisable to seek medical attention. Injuries may not show symptoms immediately, so a medical check-up can find and treat any hidden injuries quickly.

Collect Evidence and Documentation

Gathering evidence and documentation is vital for building a strong case if you decide to pursue legal action. This may include:

  • Photographs and videos of the accident scene, debris, and vehicle damage
  • Eyewitness contact information and statements
  • Police reports and accident records
  • Medical records and bills related to injuries
  • Repair estimates or invoices for vehicle damage
  • Any correspondence with insurance companies

Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney

Consulting with a qualified personal injury attorney like Huber Thomas Law is an essential step in seeking compensation and navigating the legal process. An experienced attorney can:

  • Assess the strength of your case and potential liability
  • Provide legal guidance and expertise throughout the claims process
  • Help negotiate with insurance companies or represent you in legal proceedings
  • Ensure that you receive fair and just compensation for your injuries and losses

Seek Guidance from Huber Thomas Law

In the wake of a road debris accident, the guidance and expertise of a personal injury attorney are invaluable. Our team at Huber Thomas Law helps victims of complex cases seek the compensation they deserve.

We will assess liability, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in legal proceedings. Get started on your journey to justice by contacting Huber Thomas Law today.